Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lotus Corniculatus

1. Where did they come from?
It is thought that the Lotus Corniculatus plant, which is actually a weed, originated in Europe, Asia, and North Africa. It is thought that it was introduced to North America in the mid 1700’s. It can be valued as an agronomic crop, but if it escapes the cultivation it becomes a quite bothersome weed. Currently it is widespread in Northern America and Southern Canada. It is especially invasive in Ohio. It is very difficult to stop this plant from growing because it can thrive in a wide variety of moisture conditions and soil types. It is frequently found growing in drought conditions and soil that have low fertility. It does not grow well in the shade. 

2. How do they change the local ecosystem? 
The Lotus Corniculatus creates an abundance of bumble bees and butterflies. It can kill off some small insects because some of the natural chemicals it contains. It can also over grow and rapidly spread, killing off other flower types. It can also be used in a positive manner as well. Many farmers use this plant as a supplement for hay for their cattle to eat. It can also be used to replenish dying soil.

3. Do they compete or prey on native plants or animals?
The Lotus Corniculatus creates tangled mats of dense growth. The stem can  grow to be about two feet tall and the roots can be about three feet deep into the ground which makes them hard to uproot. When they start growing they can kill off other plants because they grow in such big clusters and can be very large. Because they are so tall they can also create shade which can kill off other flowers because they are deprived of sunlight.

4. Is anything being done to reduce their impact?
In some areas where these flowers need to be killed there are really only to ways to prevent them from growing. Mowing very frequently keeping the grassy area at two inches or less can prevent the Lotus Corniculatus from growing. If you do decide to use mowing as the method to kill this plant you need to keep the grass at two inches or less for several years, otherwise the plant will just continue to grow. This method of mowing can also be harmful to native plant growing in that region. Another method to keep this plant from growing is spot spraying problematic areas after you have mowed. Usually this mixture contains clopyralid, surfactant, and dye. This combination of chemicals can also affect native plants as well.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Animals are effected by both direct and indirect pollution. Some indirect forms of pollution are the destruction of the ozone layer as well as global warming, which go hand in hand. The destruction of the ozone layer is a major factor in what is causing global warming. The ozone layer absorbs the harmful ultraviolet radiation the sun gives off. This is essential to many living organisms because if these ultraviolet rays were able to reach Earth the radiation would enter the life forms cells and destroy the DNA in the cells. 
Global Warming is also causing the melting of the polar ice caps. This is causing the sea level to rise, the average temperature of the ocean to rise, increased acidification, as well as severe consequences to different marine life and Arctic animals. The rise in acidification is the increase of  acidity of the ocean. This is caused by the levels of CO2 emissions entering the ocean. This will create many problems for marine life. It will make it harder for several different species to form protective shells, it will affect the health of coral reefs, and severely weaken the health of marine calcifiers (marine snails). 
The melting of the polar ice caps is destroying the habitat of polar bears and ice dependent seals. The ice is a critical part if their habitat. It’s what they fish from, and live off of. If the all of the ice melts it is very likely that these animals will become extinct.