Pollution has had a major effect on animals. One form of pollution is acid rain. Acid rain is precipitation, as rain, snow, or sleet, containing relatively high concentrations of acid-forming chemicals, as the pollutants from coal smoke, chemical manufacturing, and smelting, that have been released into the atmosphere and combined with water vapor: harmful to the environment. (dictionary.com) Acid rain effects plant life by stunting its growth, killing natural nutrients in the soil, and it kills the plants natural ability to withstand natural weather conditions. When the plant life is destroyed it makes it harder for animals to live. Also if the animals eat any plant affected by acid rain it will enter the animal’s body. Acid rain causes mercury and aluminum to leak from soil and rocks and then it can enter into lakes. This will greatly affect the fish living in the lakes. The mercury can poison fish, and could cause death. Acid rain can also affect a fish’s ability to reproduce. If the level of acid rain in a body of water reaches a certain level it causes the pH levels to decrease. If the pH level gets low enough it can kill everything living in the lake or body of water. When acid rain starts to affect aquatic life in a body of water it will also start to affect other species like birds, deers, or beavers. Birds who feed off of the fish or other organisms in the body of water would no longer have a food supply and either have to relocate or die. Beavers and deer who also could depend on the body of water for food, or water. In the deer’s case, could be poisoned by the contaminated water. When one animal is killed off it will then affect another animal, which will affect another and so on. This would go on and on through the food chain.
So if acid rain is affecting fish and other things we eat, isn't it safe to assume that it's affecting us as well?
ReplyDeleteit is incredible to think how much one thing can affect the world around us so significantly, without us even knowing. How often do we see acid rain around here?
ReplyDeleteThats crazy to think that rain could effect all these different things. Where is acid rain most common in the world?
ReplyDeleteAcid rain has been present in society for a long time. Can you see or notice the effects that acid rain may create?
ReplyDeleteAcid rain seems extremely harmful to animals and plant life. It shows how easily something poisonus can move through the food chain.
ReplyDeleteAdeline, The acid rain is affecting the animals on land and off land, but you should go more in depth on about how it ends up affecting us in the end also and could cause us to die. not just the animals
ReplyDeleteI agree with Katrina that isn't it safe to say that the acid rain is affecting us also. Is there a way to tell if people are being affected?
ReplyDeleteBecause acid rain results from coal burning, chemical manufacturing, and other forms of pollution, which mostly occur in industrialized and urban areas, is acid rain, actually, a serious threat to rural areas if the pollution is not created there? Also, what are the direct effects of acid rain on those industrialized and urban areas?
ReplyDeleteAcid Rain seems to be deadly to animals even the smallest of them and it all goes through a food chain, so how do we know if we are even safe from acid rain really? Acid rain is caused by our pollution so what is we tried to stop what we are doing to cause this and then the deadly impact from the acid rain on animals will stop. We are causing this so if we get sick from the acid rain then it is our fault.
ReplyDeletei agree with nicole acid rain is our faults because we pollute the air and harm our wildlife. what are ways to stop it and at this point how long will that take?
ReplyDeleteNew York state is affected the most by acid rain in the United States, why?
ReplyDeleteAcid rain is a serious problem as it can corrode metals at a faster rate, as well as have negative effects on plants and wildlife. It's ironic how the acid rain, caused by the production of the metals used to build things such as bridges, are eventually destroying these things simply by raining.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea acid rain had such a big effect on the environment as a whole.